Atheism in Christianity Ancient Christianity Psalms Jesus (Matthew) & Paul on nonbelief Christian Atheism in the Roman Empire Paganism, Rome & Christianity Modern Christians on atheism Aquinas on the sin of unbelief -Pascal's thoughts on atheism (1656) -Dostoevsky (1872) De Lubac on the atheist believer H. Duméry on atheism as a purifying force Etienne Borne, atheisms of solitude and solidarity Paul Tillich (1952) +Lepp on atheism in our time (1963) the Modern Roman Catholic Church on atheism - Gaudium et spes (1965) Karl Rahner, S.J., Vatican II on atheism the Vatican's Secretariat for Non-Believers -Schilling on responding to atheists (1969) -Miceli on the gods of atheism (1971) Christianity requires theism -States' Official Anti-Atheism (Tennessee, South Carolina) -U.S. President George Bush on atheists (1989) -Mormon Prez blasts atheists (1996) son: Why are you getting so upset Dad? You don't even believe in God. father: That doesn't mean I'm going to stop being a good Catholic. From the movie: SHE'S THE ONE son - Mickey Fitzpatrick - EDWARD BURNS father - Mr. Fitzpatrick- JOHN MAHONEY Christian Atheism Atheism in Christianity: german jewish marxist philosopher Ernst Bloch Sea of Faith: exploring and promoting religious faith as a human creation John Spong: retired NJ Episcopalian bishop Atheists for Jesus: belief in the basic message of Jesus Charles Maurras: anti-democratic atheist Catholic (1899) Miguel de Unamuno: Catholic atheist (1933) Graham Greene: Catholic atheist (1940) Michael Harrington: cultural Catholic (1983) Episcopalian atheists (1997) Liberation Theology Alfredo Fierro & the militant gospel Pérez-Esclarín: atheism & liberation Enrique Dussel & atheistic antifetishism Pablo Richard & anti-idolatry Míguez Bonino on Bloch Jon Sobrino: atheism & the poor Gustavo Gutierez: non-believers & non-persons