Atheism in Christianity

the Vatican's Secretariat for Non-Believers

Atheism and dialogue

/ Atheisme et dialogue / Ateismo y diálogo
journal of the Segretariato per i non credenti /
Secretariat for Non-Believers: Vatican, 1985

XX: 1 Franz Cardinal König, The Secretariat for Non-Believers, 1965-1980 59-66

XX: 2/3 Atheisme, non-croyance et indifference religieuse dans le monde,
Diagnostic et orientations pastorales: (in english)
Irlande, - Mgr. Donal Murray, p 129-130;
U.S.A., - Mgr. Howard Hubbard, p 196-7

XX: 4 Allocution of John Paul II,
The problem of unbelief and of atheism 321-4 1986

XXI: 4 Response to questionnaire,
Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, USA 360-3Ü

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