
Religious Atheism

Miguel de Unamuno
Ernst Bloch, Atheism in Christianity
        Moltmann on Bloch
        Burghgraeve on Bloch
Apostel, Pinxten, et al. "Religious atheism?"
MacIntyre on atheism's religious significance & morality
Michael Novak on the christian atheist
Ricoeur on atheism as a new, tragic faith
Westphal on the religious uses of atheism
Carmody "Atheistic faith?"
Delpierre on atheistic mysticism
Thomas Merton on atheism & the contemplative
Simone Weil on atheism as purification
John Dietrich: religious humanism
James Luther Adams: atheism and prophecy
Unitarian Universalists and atheism
Sea of Faith: "religious faith as human creation"
Matthew Fox on mysticism & atheism
on scientific pantheism
kunesh's the Shaman Atheist :: the Dao of Atheism
the experience of the mystic
the prayers of atheists
contemporary pagan atheisms in the USA
personal story of a satanic atheist

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created 1jun1996, revised 20mar98     |     comments on this site? tpkunesh@atheisms.info